IMPORTANT INFO Please READ before submitting. Terms of use/acceptance:
- About Your Submissions: By submitting prices via this form, you affirm that you either bought or sold the magazine(s) listed for the price(s) stated. Since Downtown Magazine has no method - other than trusting our submitters - to confirm prices, we will be held harmless for inaccurate, false or misleading submissions.
- Using this form: There are two different ways to enter prices. If you have only a few magazines, use the text boxes in section A. If your magazine was bought or sold online, you can include a link in the appropriate box, though it's not necessary. If you have a text file or spreadsheet of multiple prices, you can enter it in the larger textbox in section B.
- Use of prices in our price guide: Generally, prices submitted via this form are entered into our database and uploaded onto the site within 3 days. Prices that are far outside the high or low prices publihsed in our guide may be subject to review or rejected.
- Links: You can submit links to your back issue sale or purchase as proof of your price paid in Section A. This step is not necessary, but if you bought online, at any of a number of popular sites, it does help confirm your information. The link will not be used or published. It is only provided by you for verification purposes.
- Use of your info: Your name and email address are required fields, but we will not use them or publish them. We use them only to identify frequent submitters and in the event we have questions.
- Any questions concerning these terms/conditions should be addressed to